This framework replaces WEG, DEGs and ESG
*Membership of this group to be reviewed at the end of Year 1. ~DEDG meets quarterly for 1.5 hours as part of a DMT meeting
BHCC Corporate Equality Delivery Group (CEDG)
Terms of Reference
(February 2019)
The CEDG will promote and drive a culture of excellent equality and inclusion practice across the council in service delivery and for current and potential employees.
· Oversee and drive progress against the council’s equality aims (currently the Fair & Inclusive Action Plan and attainment of ‘excellent’ in the Equality Framework for Local Government);
· Facilitate sharing of learning and best practice from across the council, and other organisations;
· Be a forum for open and honest discussion about areas for improvement, to recommend solutions and to oversee implementation;
· Critically review relevant data (including workforce, service and city data) to measure progress and define further action as needed;
· Receive, discuss and identify actions addressing feedback from the Workers’ Fora, the unions, services and other routes;
· Engage and communicate with all relevant services, networks and communities, to ensure understanding, buy-in and active involvement.
ELT (chair)
Head of HR & OD (SRO) and F&R representative
Head of CETS (SRO) and NCH representative
Head of PIP – Project Assurance, SGL representative and Customer Experience Steering Group representative
Equality Manager
HROD Project Manager
Workers Fora (BMEWF, DWCN, LGBTWF and WN)
Trades Unions: GMB and UNISON representatives
Representatives of services: HASC, FCL and EEC
Frequency of meetings
Meets 6 weekly for 2 hours